Форум «Лечебное голодание»

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Зебра 19-04-2018 11:54

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
Nobody's perfect

шла сегодня пешком на работу и проходя мимо булошной, просто по старой привычке (пахло очень вкусно и очередь была аж на улицу) купила шоколадный круасан и булочку с корицей. Слопала это всё с чаем 3 часа назад. Сначала был прилив энергии, а сейчас такой упадок сил, что могла бы вздремнутъ, если бы не в офисе сидела. Пришлось сделать кофе, а то мне ещё со студентами работать, а мозги совсем отключились.

Неужели я такое раньше проделывала с телом по пять раз в неделю?

P.S. веганское питание у меня на данный момент только на 95%. Т.е. 1-2 приема пищи в неделю с небольшим кол-вом невеганской еды (как в круасане). Но на булочки меня ещё долго тянуть не будет.

Зебра 20-04-2018 18:18

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
начала читать книгу о грибах и решила делиться цитатами, но так как один автор никогда не может претендовать на абсолютную истину, то делитесь Вашими впечатлениями. К сожалению, время на перевод у меня нету, по-этому на английском:

New York, Tero Isokauppila "Healing Mushrooms"

because human beings and mushrooms share roughly 85 percent of the same ribosomal RNA and almost 50 percent of the same DNA—rendering many forms of fungi extremely bioavailable for the human body (i.e., able to assist in curing a wide swath of ailments and disease). - с учётом того, что кордицепс якобы лечит рак (пока не доказано), а Китайцы давно пользуются грибами для лечения организма, может быть и правдой.

Зебра 20-04-2018 18:21

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
я кстати, грибы в принципе всегда обожала - в Германии продают шиитаке и Kräuterseitlinge... коричневые шампиньйоны и Austerpilze... осенью белые грибы и лисички... даже опята есть на био рынках... А так как я ем грибы 1-3 раза в неделю, то решила почитать о них немного.

Зебра 20-04-2018 18:57

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
And while roughly 40 percent of all pharmaceuticals contain fungi in some form, we’re still only scratching the surface of the power that fungi can provide.

Зебра 20-04-2018 19:34

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
While simple carbs such as those in white sugar, pasta, and refined flour break down quickly—causing that “spike and crash” of energy—more complex polysaccharide chains like those found in whole grains, legumes, and mushrooms provide the lasting energy your body requires to function at optimal levels.


These are a type of polysaccharide, so-classified due to the particular way the sugar molecules are connected in the polysaccharide chain. Just as all mushrooms are fungi but not all fungi are mushrooms, all beta-glucans are polysaccharides, but not all polysaccharides are beta-glucans. Beta-glucans are perhaps most instrumental in their potential to reduce cancerous cells that have invaded the body

Beta-glucans also stimulate the creation of immune stem cells in bone marrow and stimulate other white blood cells (such as NK cells) to release anticancer molecules throughout the body, so the immune system is equipped to ward off and reduce cancerous invasions as well as mitigate the effects of chemotherapy and radiation...For these reasons, scientists have classified beta-glucans as “biological response modifiers” and have praised them because they are perhaps the only identified substance that boosts immunity without ever pushing the immune system to overreact.

Зебра 20-04-2018 19:53

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
double extraction, this is the method used to obtain the maximum health benefits from mushrooms. It’s used especially with varieties like chaga, reishi, turkey tail, and others that can’t simply be sautéed in a pan or easily ground into a powder. It’s a two-step process: first, an alcohol extraction pulls out the fat-soluble compounds (creating a tincture), and second, a hot-water extraction pulls out the water-soluble compounds from the fungi (creating a decoction).
In the alcohol extraction, the mushrooms are soaked in alcohol, often for multiple weeks, to release the fat-soluble compounds, like the terpenoids. Fat-soluble compounds are impervious to hot water, so alcohol is necessary to draw them out. The mushrooms are then dropped into hot water to release the water-soluble polysaccharides. The water needs to be hot because polysaccharides are essentially sugars—this makes sense when you consider how much more readily sugar dissolves in hot water than in cold. These two extractions can then be combined or consumed individually. You can also easily evaporate the alcohol from the tincture if you don’t wish to consume it, or you can use vinegar or glycerol as the solvent instead. Regardless of which solvent you use, the dual-extraction method is key to obtaining the maximum health benefits from fungi.

Зебра 20-04-2018 20:29

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
Among mycologists and other mushroom enthusiasts—myself included—reishi is considered the “queen of mushrooms.” It’s earned this moniker because of how it revitalizes the entire body (something all mushrooms do to an extent, but reishi’s particularly magical in this sense) and has been revered as a miracle elixir since the days when it was reserved for use only by emperors and other royalty in ancient China. In fact, reishi was so esteemed that in ancient scroll paintings, it was depicted as the “bridge between Earth and Heaven.”

In addition to its various macro- and micronutrients, reishi is made up of polysaccharides and triterpenes. The polysaccharides (particularly the beta-glucans) act as immunomodulators. Reishi’s adaptogenic properties help to stabilize your immune system so that it operates at its full potential. Reishi’s polysaccharides have also been credited with lowering blood pressure, stabilizing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, and inhibiting tumor growth in some cancers.

Another major benefit of reishi, and what truly puts it in a class of its own, is how it works to achieve hormonal balance. The specific triterpene compounds in reishi fruiting bodies support and balance the endocrine system. When you have an optimally functioning hormonal system (and surprisingly few do—for a slew of reasons including the impact of environmental toxins and the overprescribing of prescription medications, among a host of other factors), your body can relax and recover during the night as it is meant to. Taking reishi will not only increase your quality and duration of deep, restful sleep but will also allow you to function at peak levels during waking hours.

Зебра 21-04-2018 09:39

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
ух ты, чагой можно попробовать заменить кофе. Мы в прошлом году нашли на берёзах аж два классных гриба, но они мне сырыми не понравились; белки их немного погрызли, а потом мы их выбросили. Теперь буду искать новые и пробовать "кофе" из чаги :)

Chaga Decoction, aka ’Shroom Tea

Paleo • Vegan • Gluten-free • Low-glycemic • Low-fat

Apples are great and all, but it’s a cup of this chaga goodness a day that really keeps the doctor away. We’ve opted not to delineate it as beneficial for any single ailment because it helps with every ailment. It’s a daily tonic that can lead to incredible overall wellness. Regular consumption of chaga will support and regulate the immune system, alleviate digestive issues, boost the production of cancer-fighting cells, and leave you with radiant skin, lush hair, and more acute vision.
Coffee lovers will be pleased to hear that although we’ve dubbed this drink a mushroom tea, its bitter flavor is actually quite similar to that of coffee. It’s a great anytime drink because you can customize the flavor—try adding vanilla, anise, ginger, or different spices and fruits—based on the season and your mood.
1 tablespoon ground chaga (see Notes)
Spices, fruits, and herbs such as licorice root, vanilla bean, star anise, slices of ginger, fresh mint, or berries (optional)
Nut milk of choice (optional)
Agave, raw honey, or stevia (optional)
In a medium saucepan, combine the chaga and 3¾ cups water and bring to a rolling boil over high heat. Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat to maintain a simmer.
Simmer the chaga brew, uncovered, for 12 to 24 hours (see Notes), stirring every hour or so
For additional flavor, add the flavorings of your choice during the last 30 minutes of boiling (regardless of how long you are brewing the tea).
Strain the tea into mugs. Enjoy as is or doctor it up with nut milk and natural sweetener to your liking. Due to the high quantity of antioxidants the tea contains, extra can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator and reheated for up to 5 days. However, we advocate for potency and recommend drinking it within 1 to 2 days to reap the most benefits.

Зебра 24-04-2018 13:30

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
Книгу о грибах дочитала, вывод простой: грибы из леса расщепляют остатки деревьев и листьев и от этого богаты всякими полезностями и поэтому рекомендованы в пищу. Когда найду чагу, буду её пробовать как кофе заменитель. В воскресенье в лесу к сожалению чагу на берёзах не нашли, но насобирали крапивы и одуванчиков (на поляне). Я сделала пэсто (замочила травы на час в холодной воде и закинула в блендер с семечками и долькой чеснока, добавила в конце немного сока лимона и щепотку соли) и мы вкусно поели. В понедельник с утра был смузи с половинкой банана и теми же травами.

П.С. Кстати, в субботу три часа гребла на байдарке и не было крепатуры (плечи побаливали, но типичного окисления не было). Так что питание без закисления добавляет радости в занятия спортом :)

Зебра 24-04-2018 13:32

Re: Вкусный стиль жизни (веган)
P.P.S. я решила сначала почистить кровь (крапива) и печень (одуванчик и горькие салаты), а потом вернуться к травам по Оганян, чтобы не бегать как тинейджер в прыщах.

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