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Alex2 21-10-2008 10:44

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
А что, VolDav удачно пошутил над нечаянной безсмыслицей. В ответ раздалось негромкое, но отчётливое рычание.

pavlo77 21-10-2008 10:45

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе

Сообщение от voldav (Сообщение 188979)
Совет, в котором Вы не нуждаетесь. Прежде чем написать.

Если хотите, чтоб я не писал, не пишите глупостей. но... их все равно напишут другие...Даже не знаю чем помочь

Сергей Р 21-10-2008 15:04

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе

Сообщение от Alena4
Да нет это сынуля вернулся, его стиль юмора.

Да , конечно , Вы правы.

Вадим Асадулин 22-10-2008 03:08

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
Посмотрел в реперториуме «Желание сырого мяса».
Выпали следующие препараты:
Phos (2), Marb-w (1), Plut-n (1), Tub (1), Uran-n (1), Vanil (1).
Будем лечить или пусть живет?:D

svyat 22-10-2008 04:10

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
Вадим, у вас книга или программа?
Если программа, не могли б поделиться? ::smile24:

Alena4 22-10-2008 09:43

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе

Сообщение от Вадим Асадулин (Сообщение 189186)
Посмотрел в реперториуме «Желание сырого мяса».
Выпали следующие препараты:
Phos (2), Marb-w (1), Plut-n (1), Tub (1), Uran-n (1), Vanil (1).
Будем лечить или пусть живет?:D

Помоему он его по другим причинам стал есть... Желание есть там было ни при чем. ИМХО

Вадим Асадулин 22-10-2008 11:59

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе

Сообщение от svyat
Вадим, у вас книга или программа? Если программа, не могли б поделиться?

Radar и Complete:

voldav 23-10-2008 00:13

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
Для тех у кого psoriasis


Переводить лень, все равно никто не читает. Все в основном пишут.

voldav 23-10-2008 00:15

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе
September 2008 Eczema and Psoriasis Cure Protocol
Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 6:07 pm Posted in Cure Protocols, News and Updates
Many months have passed, many new things learned, many new tools available. All striving to be safe, cheap, effective, repeatable… all the trademarks of TRUE CURES.

This new cure protocol refers to text I have done in the Cure Manual. No sense in repeating things. The Cure Manual is supposed to cure every incurable disease. There are just a few minor differences and special needs for eczematics and psoriatics.

Step I - Cure Your Mind

Eczema and Psoriasis is curable, the evidence is overwhelming, we the many who are cured are cheering you on. Yes you are next, but it will require a big shift in your thinking. Old paradigms will be torn down. You are sick because the old existing paradigms have failed you. What are these failed paradigms?

Western Medicine: the drug companies, the organized hospitals, allopathic medical doctors, yes those doctors in the nice suits and charging exorbitant sums of money and say your condition is incurable and the only thing they have for you are steroids, corticosteroids and whatever drug suppressing, health destroying drug where they make commissions.
Television and advertising: Television is a mind numbing, consumer brainwashing tool to sell you things you do not need. You are sold personal care products that pollute you every day of your life. You are sold household chemicals that pollute you every day of your life. Turn it off.
The government food pyramid and your supermarket: The government food pyramid is absolutely wrong. It is based on food industry lobbying and has no basis on the reality of human needs. The supermarket sells what is profitable for them, not what is the most nutritious for you.
The paradigm of cooking: all forms of cooking, chefs, restaurants, appliances are detrimental to your health. Only raw culinary school counts. All the restaurants, fast food chains, commercial foods, junk foods are all a minefield of pollution and only bring unhealth.
For more information on mind cures, please visit:


Step II - Pollution Avoidance


Step III - A return to the original natural design: Raw Paleolithic Diet

Eat only: Raw organic / wild fruits. Raw organic / wild ocean fishes. Raw organic / wild land animals. Very few raw organic vegetables with the noted exception of all nightshades: tomatoes, potatoes, egg plants, bell peppers.


Step IV - Detox Protocols

Powerful, true detox protocols that will clean your internal organs which will continue to make you clean and healthy.


Step V - Anti-Microbial Guide

Some eczemas and psoriasis have a microbial angle. These may be cleaned up by the safest and most powerful antimicrobials which just happen to be natural extracts as well. There’s virgin coconut oil, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, and many more.

Step VI - Nurturing Guide to Health

Humans need tender loving care. This is how it is done.


Step VII - Donating

Don’t forget to donate something to your teacher. I have young kids to send to school.


Step VIII - Teach others

You must teach others. I must stress that for you to be truly thankful is you at least teach someone, share this knowledge with a fellow sick human. Never forget that you were once sick yourself. He needs your help even without asking for it. The next time you see an eczematic or a psoriatic man, approach him, tell him about this website and give him your name that you are an ex-eczematic, you are an ex-psoriatic, you are a living example of the cured.

This blog post is unfinished… stay tuned for more as I update this.

Alena4 23-10-2008 08:19

Re: Рак и альтернатива альтернативе

Сообщение от voldav
Переводить лень, все равно никто не читает. Все в основном пишут.

Про всех это вы обижаете, но при таком раскладе я лично прочитать не смогу. Английским не владею. Так что удаляюсь не прочитав....

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